The American Institute of Architects Richmond was founded in 1976.

Call for Nominations: 2024 Honors Awards

AIA Richmond is requesting nominations for honor awards for the following categories: Marcellus Wright Jr. Award, Chapter Citation, Richard L. Ford Jr. Award, Honorary Membership, and the Craftsmanship Award.  See below for a description of each of the awards.  Nominations are due by 5 p.m. on Aug. 9, 2024.

Nominations for any of the honor awards should include the name and contact information for both the nominator and nominee, along with a narrative (no longer than 300 words) and optional supporting documentation relevant to the nominee.

Submit nominations online.


Marcellus Wright Jr. Award
This is considered the Chapter’s highest individual award.  It is given in honor of one of the Chapter’s founding members, Marcellus Wright, Jr. by the Chapter Board, based on nominations by the Honors Committee, to a long time Chapter member who has demonstrated continuous service to the profession through their work.  This award is intended to provide public recognition to a distinguished member of the Chapter.
Chapter Citation
This is the Chapter’s highest public award, presented to a member, non-member, or organization whose work has contributed to the public’s increased awareness of the built environment.
Richard L. Ford, Jr. Award
This is considered the Chapter’s highest award presented to a young architect, associate member, or intern. It is given in honor of one of the Chapter’s leading and skillful mentors, Richard L. Ford, Jr. FAIA. The award shall be made by the Chapter Board, based on nominations by the Honors Committee, to a young person who has demonstrated vision, passion, and excellence to the design community.
Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership should only be bestowed if there is someone who has shown exemplary service to the Chapter, the built environment of the Chapter area and/or architecture within the domain of the Chapter for a sustained period. 
It is felt that the Chapter should not have to “look” for someone to give the Honorary Membership to each year.  It would be best if a nominee was obvious by their works and/or involvement.
This award is bestowed upon a person of esteemed character who is not eligible for membership in the AIA Richmond but who has rendered distinguished and exemplary service, over a sustained period of time, to architecture and the built environment within the domain of the Chapter.
Craftsmanship Award
A craftsman is one who practices a craft with great skill, attention to detail, and precision.  Craftsmanship is that skill used in one’s occupation or trade.  The award recognizes those individuals in the building industry who have mastered the ideals of craftsmanship over the course of their careers demonstrating superior quality of workmanship in the built environment.  The award recognizes craftsman for their superior skills and attentive efforts.
Any craftsperson who practices their craft in the AIA Richmond community and who has performed outstanding workmanship in the pursuit of a craft or trade is eligible.  Up to two Awards may be given annually.
The AIA Richmond Craftsmanship Award recognizes craftspeople who demonstrate particular skill and inventiveness in the execution and incorporation of their craft into our built environment.

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